Access the internet from calculator,notepad...

Posted by KAKA | Posted in | Posted on 1:34 AM

Blocked internet at school....then here is way to bypass school filters....u will be able to access admin rights of internet from guest account...

When I was in my programming class (Java) at school, the teacher always blocks Internet Explorer because a few idiots decided to check their email right in front of her, which is bad at my school.

Until this incident, I had always used the internet to move past my teacher's requests. I would finish the assignment early and spend the rest of the time researching more advanced techniques.

So, when I got home, I decided to try and fix this problem. I searched around the internet using the best tool known to man ( and came across this strategy.

1) When you open the windows calculator, calc.exe, you can go to help and then click help topics.

Note: This can be done through any of the basic Windows applications, such as notepad.

2) Right click on the title bar and go to 'Jump to URL'

3) Type your URL (Make sure you put in http://)

There you have it. Now you can search around the internet using your own private little browser which is easily hidden if and when a teacher walks by.

I tested this at school and it worked like a charm!

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Enjoy HaCkInG....

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